Cannabis for Back Pain

Its estimated that 50 million Europeans live with some sort of chronic pain. This pain could be related to a muscle injury, side effect of a severe disease or even a simple headache. Doctors have always been looking for alternative pain remedies for patients and cannabis might just be the plant that potentially cures it all.

Cannabis has been used as both a nutritional supplement and medical treatment for millennia and the cannabis plant was first documented by the Chinese early, around 3000BC. It was listed in their book of Pharmacopoeia as one of the top medicinal herbs used for treatments of gout, stomach issues and pain. Since then cannabis has been used by many cultures to treat many conditions and diseases and only during the most part of the 20th century was it outlawed and banned. Previous to the 20th-century cannabis was widely administered by doctors as a treatment for many simple medical conditions. With the signing of the Marijuana Tax Act click here of 1937, this was the final nail in the cannabis coffin of the 20th century. Until California legalized cannabis for medical adult use in 1996, cannabis was seen as an illegal drug with no medical value and potential for abuse.

Until today the United States federal government still lists cannabis as a Schedule 1 drug, alongside with LSD and heroin. However, the US Food and Drug Administration recently took a huge step in the right direction and approved their first cannabis-based medicine, known as Epidiolex, which is used to treat rare epileptic conditions and associated side effects such as seizures.

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